7 thoughts on “unfair?”

  1. *baca panel 4*

    Sadeeessshhh… 😆

    Betul, saudara yud1. Ini sangatlah mengherankan. Bagaimana mungkin cewek kayak Arc dan Ciel sampai rebutan seorang Shiki Tohno…? (x_x)

    *being a hurt Ciel fanboy*


    yeaaa,, jangan lupakan pula Akiha dan Yumizuka Satsuki. masih kurang? Hisui dan Kohaku juga masuk hitungan, kok. hlaah, Tsukihime itu bukannya memang harem dari dulu?! :mrgreen:

  2. Betul! Ini memang propaganda yang sesat dan menyesatkan!



    *baca artikel*

    sometimes, sire, it’s not necessarily about intentionally created harem anime. not would it be rare to see some ‘normal’ show then got dragged into this kind of blasphemous series.

    perhaps reality is really harsh to those so-called otakus, sire. and yes, harem is like opium (tch, weeds :mrgreen: ) to such of people, given the harsh reality in the world they live in.

    When Sekai Saionji delivers the just deserts by putting Makoto Ito’s life to an end in School Days, we were awakened; God has answered our prayers.

    *ngakak guling-guling*

    really, can’t agree more, 😆

    …eh, anyway, why would you watch/read/play with the harem anime/manga/visual novels, sire? :mrgreen:

  3. …eh, anyway, why would you watch/read/play with the harem anime/manga/visual novels, sire?

    First off, you see, how can we pay tribute to harem victims before we know them better?

    Secondly, you did mention something about opiums… 😆

  4. @ Kopral Geddoe

    First off, you see, how can we pay tribute to harem victims before we know them better?

    Secondly, you did mention something about opiums… 😆

    Singkat kata. Jadi, ente ini mantan pemadat barang harem yang sekarang bertobat? :mrgreen:

    “Gue inget waktu dulu gue masih kecanduan harem™. Hidup gue susah. Pacar gue sampe kabur karena nggak rela cowoknya ketergantungan harem. Barang-barang di kamar gue satu persatu ilang, bertukar dengan uang beli doujin dan eroge. Orang tua gue sampe prihatin ngeliatnya.

    Tapi syukur, Tuhan masih sayang sama gue. Sejak itu gue masuk rehabilitasi; dan perlahan-lahan ketergantungan gue berkurang. Sekarang gue tobat, gue udah tau bahwa harem™ itu cuma sebentuk pelarian dari hidup gue™.

    Pesan gue buat generasi muda: jangan pernah nyentuh harem. Itu cuma bakal ngancurin hidup lo dan nyakitin para cewek yang lo pilih…

    —quote by anonymous, fictitious ex-harem addict.



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