boy meets girl. he likes her. she doesn’t.
it’s not complicated. not at all.
boy goes to work. he wants to do something. it doesn’t.
it’s not complicated. not at all.
boy comes home. he misses things were there. it doesn’t.
it’s not complicated. not at all.
for boys don’t cry, men only bleed,
and life is just what happens.
it’s not complicated. not at all.
jd inget ending lagunya linkin’ park : .. in the ends, it doesn’t matter ..
kira-kira. mungkin. banyak hal buat agak mirip-mirip omongan mas Bono dan teman-teman U2 sih.
‘a long way down to nothing at all’, ‘all that you can’t leave behind’, seperti itulah. itu albumnya sudah 20+ tahun lalu tapi ya masih deh.